Now in my mid-forties, I see clearly the impact my healthy lifestyle has had on my life.
I feel blessed to have (don't get me wrong, I ve had many ups and downs) been into fitness, health, yoga, mindset, self-development, meditation, etc for pretty much my entire life.
I don't believe in "luck". I believe in "cause and effect". I believe that the results we have in our lives are a direct reflections of our thoughts, emotions and actions. Whether or not we are consciously aware of it or not.
In the video I go into a bit more details about my simple, not secret or quick fix, reason for feeling and looking young at 45 years young.
My intention in this video is NOT to look for compliments, but rather to express from the heart what has let me to have those results so far in my life.
For me it's never been about looks, but rather about how I FEEL inside and out. It's never been about doing this for others, but rather always for me. To take care of me.